ProScope Consulting

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1391 NW St Lucie W Blvd , Suite 115
Port St Lucie, FL 34986
Phone: (954) 790-6750
Fax: (954) 736-4650 

ProScope Consulting Inspection

Before preparing an estimate, ProScope Consulting performs a detailed, comprehensive, on-site inspection of the insured property and damaged areas. Our inspections are scheduled at the convenience of the insured and we are routinely able to accommodate requests for evening or weekend appointments as necessary. 

We begin by examining the property using non-destructive methods to locate hidden or overlooked damage and factors affecting repairs. Then we begin formulating a repair strategy and analyzing the scope of repair. When encountering situations in which multiple repair strategies may be possible, we obtain all necessary information to produce the estimate following every possible option.

Utilizing a variety of equipment, our staff obtains the hundreds of measurements required for precision dimensioning and producing the floor plan sketch. ProScope estimators then take an extensive quantity of photographs, later used to provide context, illustrate the damages and evidence the necessity of specific repairs. For claims involving reroofing, we also obtain multiple aerial photos and evidence of tile identification. 

We consider the property inspection our first opportunity to demonstrate the value of our experience and meticulous approach employed by ProScope.