ProScope Consulting

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1391 NW St Lucie W Blvd , Suite 115
Port St Lucie, FL 34986
Phone: (954) 790-6750
Fax: (954) 736-4650 

Our Credibility

The value of any damage estimate is greatly determined by how credible it is perceived by the reader. Preparing an estimate that is accurate, easily understood and thorough goes a long way towards building credibility.

ProScope Consulting avoids all of these concerns and biases. As a 3rd party with no compensation directly tied to the settlement amount, our prejudice is solely on the quality and accuracy of each particular estimate. This limited focus towards the estimate results in our ability to gain greater experience and knowledge than other professions who must also manage various required tasks to be successful. Our team does one thing:estimate damages. And we do it better than anyone else!

While estimates are often by professionals in various occupations, each comes with pros and cons to be considered.


vs. Public Adjusters

Public adjusters representing the insured tend to have a wide range of skill in preparing estimates. Regardless of quality, skill and accuracy, estimates prepared by public adjusters are often immediately discredited as inflated and biased towards the homeowner. When public adjuster estimates are immediately discredited, settlement amounts drop significantly hurting both the public adjuster and the insured.


vs. Independent Adjusters

Our experience in reviewing independent adjusters has shown that most independent adjusters tend to be competent and knowledgeable regarding damage valuation but lean towards being over-conservative. Many independent adjusters are trained towards protecting the carrier and utilizing a particular insurer’s guidelines, so we often locate repair items that have been incorrectly omitted or presumed to be unnecessary.


vs. General Contractors

Estimates prepared by general contractors benefit by the construction experience and expertise acknowledged by virtue of their occupation. General contractors often lack the particular knowledge of many unique rules governing allowable repairs within the insurance industry. Another difficulty observed is that some general contractors will prepare estimates at a lower cost hoping to be chosen to complete the repairs, until the contractor feels enough jobs have been won to justify the time and expense in estimating. The small fee earned by a general contractor does not carry the motivation of performing the repair so once enough jobs are underway, the general contractor is no longer interested in providing quality service. General contractors are accustomed to writing estimates with the goal of landing the job, so being among the lowest bids is critical to their success.

ProScope Consulting avoids all of these concerns and biases. As a 3rd party with no compensation directly tied to the settlement amount, our prejudice is solely on the quality and accuracy of each particular estimate. Our limited focus towards estimating results in our ability to gain greater experience and knowledge than other professions who must also manage required tasks to be successful. Our team does one thing: estimate damages. And we do it better than anyone else!