Our Clarity
ProScope Consulting provides an estimate that is easily understood by all users, while also incorporating the arguements and reasoning used. All of our estimates include a detailed floor plan of the property, oriented to the compass and featuring clearly labeled and precisely dimensioned rooms. Doors, missing walls and flooring materials are accurately depicted. Our estimators then lot locations of damages within each area to provide the user with immediate identification when inside the property. Our reports also contain three dimensional modeling view of the structure, with cutaways to provide an overall understanding of the layout.

Within the itemized repair sections, our team includes notations to provide context, reasoning and insight into the line item definition and reasons for inclusion. This makes the report easier to read and our notations included provide preliminary arguments justifying repairs, which saves time for our clients.
We incorporate multiple photos of the damages, an overview of each room affected and any features or circumstances necessitating repairs that might not otherwise be evident to the reader. Each photo is labeled to match the floor plan, annotations explaining the subject being illustrated.

Please take a moment to download and view our sample estimate report, which highlights many of these features and more. We believe you will be suprised at the difference in reading a truly professional estimate report.